I don’t know about anyone else but my feeders have been abandoned for the last 2 months. I have had a couple of Blue Jays and Junkos… but nothing else. This morning I thought we had leaves falling off the trees, there were so many birds, mostly finches, dropping out of the trees to feed. Here is a picture (click on it to enlarge, then click a second time to reduce it back to the original size)… anyone else see them or am I the only one with vacant bird feeders this winter?
We haven’t had any birds at our bird feeders this winter. However, I had not paid much attention since we didn’t put any seed in the feeders. We did see a robin out front on Saturday when the birds were active in the area.
We have had a consistent group of House and Gold Finchs (I can’t tell the purple Finchs from the House Finch) and I think Pine Grosbeaks, Chickadees, and Junkos that have come in as a flock several times a day for the last week. Nice to have them back. Makes me know that Spring is actually going to come.
There were four robins in our backyard when the weather was warmer for a short period of time. I hope to see it them again soon!
My feeders were mobbed today for the first time in a week. Several different groups like last week. A lone Cardinal was at one of my hanging feeders which I have never seen before, I thought they only would feed on the ground or a platform. She was right in there with the Finches.
I just read an article in the Star and Tribune, commenting on the spotty appearance of birds this year. Here is the website if anyone is interested.
Is it possible that I saw a Coopers Hawk land in my tree. It was definitely a hawk or something that looked like a hawk, blue gray, not too big but it landed right in front of me in my Walnut tree on one of lower branches. I was so startled that I did not even have time to grab the camera.