The VPTA board minutes for the months of April through October 2015 are now up.
2015 VPTA Policy Booklet now available as a PDF
The 2015 VPTA Policy Booklet that was handed out at the annual meeting is now available in a PDF, thanks to Treasurer Sherry Freking:
See all previous versions on the VPTA Policy Booklets page.
VPTA volunteer work crew cuts down invasive trees in Hidden Valley Park
The noxious/invasive trees that the City of Northfield cut down in Hidden Valley Pond back in the winter of 2012 (see blog post here) have been growing back:
So yesterday, a volunteer crew of VPTA members cut them down with a tree whacker and loppers, gathered them up, piled them on the edge of the park, and started hauling them to the City compost site:
The health of the pond is now improved a bit, thanks to Jim and Janet Dale, Theo Durbin, Anita and Chuck Hellie, Kris Herrreid, Kim Johnson, Jerry Krause, Gene Moninger, and neighbor Tim Pautzke. And the view of the pond for many of us is considerably better. (All but one photo by Janet Dale.)
Photo album: 2015 annual VPTA meeting
Scenes from Tuesday’s annual meeting, held at the Northfield High School cafeteria:
2015 Annual Meeting scheduled for May 12 at the Northfield High School
The Valley Pond Townhome Association annual meeting for 2015 will be held on Tuesday, May 12, 7 pm in the upper cafeteria of the Northfield High School.
Photo album from last year: