Photos: 1st annual Building #1 summer potluck

Building #1 rep Jim Pence put on his Master of Ceremonies and Programming Extraordinaire hat yesterday and with his wife Liz, hosted the 1st annual Building #1 summer potluck in their backyard. 

I weaseled an invitation for me and Robbie by promising to take photos for this VPTA blog. Pence’s neighbor Jowane Howard also snuck in, claiming seniority of some kind since she’s lived in the VPTA longer than anybody.

Other building #1 residents who bellied up to the potluck bar: Jerry and Ann Krause, Dennis and Sandy McClintock, and Scott McMillan.

See the large slideshow of 14 photos (recommended) or SLOW CLICK this small slideshow:

Carmen Sevcik joins the neighborhood

Carmen Sevcik Carmen Sevcik's school bus mobile
I met Carmen Sevcik a few weeks ago during the controlled burn of Hidden Valley Park. She had just moved into one of the townhomes along Hidden Valley Drive.

Norman and Carmen Sevcik profileCarmen’s known to many in the area because she and her husband Norm collected high crop tractors, especially Farmall, Case, and International Harvester. (Her dad, Palmer Fossum, collected vintage Ford tractors.) The Sevcik farm in Wheatland Township was known as High Crop Hill and many of their tractors were featured in the book, The Big Book of Farmall Tractors. See the screenshot of the profile from the book on the right. Norman died in 2008.

Carmen’s a club officer for Rice County Steam and Gas Engines and is also well-known to many Northfield kids, as she’s driven a school bus for many years for Benjamin Bus. That’s a school bus mobile on her porch.

Welcome to Valley Pond, Carmen!