Deer in Hidden Valley Park

deer-pond2 Gene and Earlyne Moninger have spotted deer around the Hidden Valley Park pond three times this week. They managed to get some photos, including this one of a doe and her fawn. Click to enlarge.

2 thoughts on “Deer in Hidden Valley Park

  1. Thanks so much for sending this photo Gene and Earlyne. The tall grass blocks our view of this part of the pond so it is great to see the wild life. Keep us posted if you see them again. You can add a comment right here and can actually post a picture. If you prefer, just send the pictures to us and we will get them up.

  2. Deer Alert
    I just had a small doe in my bird feeders. Darn I wasn’t fast enough to get a photo. 6:30 pm on Monday. Keep your eyes open, they seem to be sticking around.

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