Free/Needed/For Sale

used-cows-for-sale-signI have started this post to allow people to write a comment letting the Association members know about anything you may have that you are interested in giving away, selling or requesting. 

Some of you may have heard of Craig’s List and Freecycle.  Freecycle is a website where people can give away things they no longer need or request things that they would love to have.  We are not talking cars and boats here, more along the line of books,  a table, a chair, some boots, etc.  Craig’s list is a “for sale” site that many people use to sell all kinds of items, this does include cars etc. 

I thought it would be nice to have an area where those of us in this small Association could share.  So if you want to get rid of something by selling or giving it away, or you are in need of something that you think someone might not be using…. just add a comment to this Post by clicking on the “comment” button.  Make sure you give as much information as you can about the items and how and when to get a hold of you.

5 thoughts on “Free/Needed/For Sale

  1. We have a lot of Thomas the Tank Engine wooden trains & tracks as well as blue plastic track w/ plastic, battery powered trains. There are a lot to choose from. Our 7 y.o. son has the Dave Ramsey bug and wants to sell some of them so he can grow up “Debt Free!”.

    Shoot us an email if you are interested.

  2. Hey Frank and Cristie, welcome to the site and congratulations on being the very first to use this tool. Do let us know if your son is able to sell his Thomas the Tank stuff!

  3. Robbie this is great! I have to go to the VPTA site more often. I am looking for a ping pong table for our basement if anyone has one they no longer use. Thanks!

  4. Anne…. think about putting your request up on Freecycle as well. The website is for exchange, offering and requesting things for free. Everything has to be free. This is now an international organization and I have used it now for several years. One persons junk is another person treasure. I have given as well as gotten some really good things.

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