At about 9 am on Sunday, I saw this deer trot across Hidden Valley Dr. at Peterson Dr. and head into Hidden Valley Park, startling a couple who were walking their dogs.
Tag Archives: deer
An elusive doe appears to be making Valley Pond her home
Robbie spotted a doe wandering among the cattails around the pond last Saturday. I tried to get close for a photo but the doe spotted me and took cover. Crappy photo, I know.
A few hours later, when I was taking photos of the sunset after the thunderstorm, Gene Moninger said he saw her just a few minutes prior. He subsequently attached a comment:
The doe you were chasing came back this afternoon; ran very quickly from Heritage St.-north past the path and up the hill to Peterson St. Got those dogs excited! Don Starkweather caught a glimpse also, but alas, no cameras handy.
I blogged Gene and Earlene’s photo of a doe and her fawn a year ago and a month later, Robbie blogged her photo of a doe in our backyard.
I’m determined to get the best photo!
More wildlife at the pond
A few weeks ago Griff posted about the deer around the pond. This is an afternoon picture of a young doe; she was bumping the feeders with her nose to get the seed to spill. I was just barely quick enough to catch her leaving the yard.
We also have one or now we think more than one raccoon that loves grape jelly. He has been raiding my Oriole feeder every night and is quite messy. Sticky grape paw prints everywhere! Well we celebrated his capture and subsequent release many miles away… he/she was not a happy camper. We had put a rug down so that it didn’t tear up my outdoor rug on the deck. That worked but it took half an hour to get it out of the bars on the cage… it had pulled it through every little hole on the bottom of the cage.